A Swiss psychologist named Carl Gustav Jung coined the word “synchronicity” to describe the experience of events that are apparently causally unrelated, yet occur together in a meaningful manner.
Synchronistic events reveal an underlying pattern, a conceptual framework that encompasses, but is larger than any of the systems that display the synchronicity. Following discussions with both Albert Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli, Jung believed that there were parallels between synchronicity and aspects of relativity theory and quantum mechanics.
An intention is a connection between a subject and a desired state Lynne McTaggart, architect of a series of scientifically controlled, web-based experiments testing the power of intention to change the physical world. Thousands of volunteers from 30 countries around the world have participated in Intention Experiments thus far. These experiments suggest that living things register information from the entire environment, and not simply between two communicating entities. This series of studies suggests that distance from which intention is sent doesn’t have any bearing on the results. A group of people scattered around the globe produced the same effect as a group of 600 located thousands of miles away from the target. Link